Lynx Trace Dashboard for Electronic Manufacturing Companies

A dashboard sorts and analyses test reports from production lines. Test manager now has a global view of the manufacturing quality and information to detect its weakest point, where improvement efforts should be done.

Imagine how complicated was in the third Century B.C. to access the documentation. Millions of manuscripts, in different languages and formats, spread around the discovered world. Thousands of translators made the original scripts readable into Greek language, so that the information could be catalogued and stored at the former library of Alexandria. This was an admirable solution, at that time. This may happen nowadays in your organization at the manufacturing line. The lack of standardization yields into a multitude of test reports, in different formats and stored in a unique server without an intuitive way of sorting them.

Doesn't the following situation sound familiar to you?

(Your manager): Can I see the test report of a returned part that failed 10 months ago with this serial number?

(You): Sure, I have it. But I'm sorry, it will take some time. I’ll send you it at the end of the day.

Lynx Trace eases this search. It uses advanced processing techniques to convert test reports of any format, such as TXT, DOC, XLS, HTML or even custom formats to organize in a unique dashboard all the data generated by the company EOL testers and other peripherals. Based on unitary traceability, test data of any manufactured part is ready in the blink of an eye.

In addition, having all data in the same Application enables other advanced Lynx Trace features, such as:

  • You can consult all manufacturing data in a single dashboard.
  • You can compare manufacturing yields of the same product from different plants or lines.
  • You can immediately detect manufacturing issues.
  • You can have a view of the manufacturing figures in your organization.

Lynx Trace has multiple advanced features. However, one of the most relevant is its capability to gather local test reports whatever its format is, and upload them in a unique server where data is sorted, analysed and processed. This way, the user has real information to understand whether there is any manufacturing improvement that can be made to reduce cost and thus, to increase competitivity.