EOL functional testers for embedded electronics

Generation RFID designs, customizes and delivers EOL functional testers for embedded electronic products

We test your product in 3 dimensions: speed – coverage – cost


We have developed +250 EOL tester for Markets such as Automotive Tier1, EV and medical devices.

Best Markets Experience


Our electronic engineers will create customized test boards that will make your company more competitive​.

Smarter Business Experience


Generation RFID will care about everything: test coverage study, EOL development, delivery and assistance.​

Unleash the Power of your Company



Automated Test Equipments

A Personalized Solution For Each Customer

Automated Test Equipments


Automated test equipment than fit your Device Under Test (DUT) requirements. Our experts understand your test necessities and will provide an optimal EOL tester that assures fault-free deliveries to your customers​.

Main features:

  • Compact design based on 3 main parts: fixture, test equipment and test scheduler SW
  • Control boards based on off-theshelf boards
  • Test control software: Lynx Scheduler

Who needs it?

All you need with a unique partner.

Multi-application EOL testers.

The Test Board Your Application Requires

Custom Test Electronics

Automotive Tier1 requires innovative EOL functional test systems to meet test time, tester size and cost targets. Our embedded development engineers will create the test board your application requires. This will differentiate from your competitors.​

Main features:

  • Necessary when high volumelow test time and non-Standard processes are required.
  • The most competitive solution in terms of test speedflexibility and tester replication costs.
  • More features in less size.

Who needs it?

Differentiate from your competitors.

Innovations in test and embedded electronics.

Lynx scheduler

Test Case Application

EOL Test Software (Lynx Tester Scheduler)

Test software is a must. But at what price? Try Lynx Scheduler, the easiest test case application that lets you define in 15 minutes an operative test sequence via drop-down menus​.

Fast Flexible and Reliable

Test Boards

End of line testers, whether they are ICT or functional (FKT), require the use of solid-state relays (SSR) for creating paths for applying the correct stimulus into the device under test (DUT) pins.

This fact makes Relay Boards one of the most critical parts of the system due to several considerations: reliability, simplicity, and cost. Lynx Tester has a small but sufficient set of Switch Matrix Relay Boards, each designed for a specific purpose: DUT power supply, 4-wire measurements, ICT, GPIO or the supervision of the injected signal.

Traceability in the cloud

Trace Data (Lynx Trace)

Analyze easily all test data, manufacturing figures and statistics in real time to make quick and smart decisions in a single application.

Mean First-pass yield​
Customer satisfaction